Turf regeneration

Even the most meticulously maintained gardens can experience areas with sparse, sickly, or absent grass, and the soil itself may have issues that hinder the growth of a lush lawn.

To maintain the health of the turf, which directly affects its appearance, it is crucial to act promptly and with careful consideration.

At MaRo, we provide a comprehensive and efficient service designed to restore your lawn to its optimal condition, revitalising it with new life.

Under the meticulous supervision of an agronomist specialising in turf care, our experts will work with professionalism, efficiency, and expertise.

Each intervention is tailored to your specific needs and executed swiftly using state-of-the-art machinery. An automatic coring machine efficiently cores the soil, allowing it to be treated and enriched with specialised fertilizers. A mechanical aerator provides vital airflow to the lawn while removing plant debris and moss. Hydroseeding enables quicker sowing even in pre-existing lawn conditions. These are just some of the procedures used by our experts to restore strength and vigour to your turf.

Contact us for more information or a free quote.